Instead of heading to the store to buy greenery and decorations, take a look around your garden or on your walks to see what you can find. This adds to the creative process and can be quite therapeutic. Just remember to be aware of any foraging laws in your area. If you're feeling bold, ask your neighbours if you can cut back some of their greenery – they'll likely be more than happy to oblige!
Suggested sundries: garden twine, string or raffia,
Scissors or secateurs
Bucket or vase
Collection of greenery
Cones, feathers, seed heads
There's something incredibly satisfying about going out on a crisp morning walk and stumbling upon treasures like cones, berries, and seed heads. Once you've gathered your branches, twigs, and greenery, be sure to place them in water for a few hours or overnight to condition them properly.
First, you'll need something to form the base of your wreath. If you have dogwood, willow, or bendy branches from a tree, those will work great. Wind and weave these branches or stems into a circular shape to create a strong and secure structure. If you're concerned about them holding together, you can always use a bit of garden twine to secure them in place. Don't forget to add a loop to one of the branches to hang up your finished wreath!
Once your base is ready, it's time to start adding the greenery. Ivy is a great option and can be wrapped around the base or fed into the structure. If you found any cones, you can attach them to the wreath by wrapping string, twine, or raffia at the base and securing them in place. Feel free to let your imagination run wild with this – you can incorporate hydrangea heads, box, conifer, dried fern leaves, grasses, and more. Just be careful with holly – those leaves can be prickly!
Remember, if something doesn't work or you're not happy with it, don't be afraid to remove it and replace it with something else. The great thing about this DIY wreath is that it's fully compostable and eco-friendly.
Whether you want to create a large wreath or a smaller one with limited materials, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're proud of your creativity and what you've achieved. I would love for you to give this a try – feel free to send me a picture of your masterpiece. Happy wreath-making!