Poinsettia -
It’s no surprise that Poinsettias are a festive favourite for most.
Like cut flowers indoor plants can be rather fussy - they don't like draughts, too much direct sunlight, nor do they like to be over or under watered! Poinsettias can last for weeks - give them some TLC and they can last through the winter.
This colourful flower is particularly popular for those wanting to sprinkle some festivity and Christmas joy in their homes. It also makes the perfect Christmas table decoration.
Hyacinth -
These make us think of the promise of Spring, lighter days and hopefully more settled weather! This is really a Spring flower but at Christmas these bulbs can be 'forced' by using prepared bulbs either in water or in planters. They will die off once flowered but I would always advise you not to throw these away but to plant in your garden afterwards.
Mixed Foliage -
It's all about the scent! When flowers are scarce or have to be imported I would suggest thinking 'outside the box' with foliages - Spruce, Eucalyptus, Bay and Rosemary. My favourite - what's not to like about these Christmassy scents. My whole car smelt of spruce for days after having bundles in the boot. Bootiful!!
Flower Fact (that you might not know)
In days gone by we would have only used flowers and foliage that were available in the winter rather than imported. And any crops that were left over and suitable would have been dried, much like pickling vegetables and making excess fruit into jam.
Did you know that over 80% of flowers are now imported into this country? It's worth thinking about where your flowers come from. Of course, there’ll be times that roses will only fit the bill but to keep it eco-friendly why not consider alternatives like dried flowers?
Not only are they long-lasting, they are low maintenance and offer good value for money. And, they make perfect eco-friendly decor for your home. Take a look at my work in the pictures below to give some inspiration to show you what you can do with dried flowers.
Like these tips and would love to know more? Follow me on my Facebook page where I regularly post flower tips in accordance with each season, as well as funeral flower guidance.
Poinsettia -
Hyacinth -
Mixed Foliage -
Dried flower arrangement -